Infinite Game Streaming APP

Based on current mobile game streaming experience and phone technology, we were exploring streaming products can move on in the next 3 years.  In this case, we are focusing on how we can integrate our findings to a more user-friendly streaming system.

One plus x Parsons Collab Studio

Project Duration: 3 weeks

Instructor: Crayon Heish, Kyle Li

Team Members:Asuka Li, Peilu Fan, Kennis Chen

Role: Research, Analysis, Wireframe

Primary Research


We conducted an online survey with our target users, and we gathered over 52 validate results within 1 weeks. The surveys helped us to identify and reassure their behavior, motivation and preference in mobile streaming experience.

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In-depth Interview

After defining our target users, we interviewed 2 mobile streamers, 2 mobile gamers (potential streamer), and 3 mobile streaming viewers, 7 in total to better understand the users needs.

interview guideline




According to our survey, we created 3 different kinds of user personas:


Key Findings

We found three levels of User Goal that can be used as the base of further design consideration. 

Streamer & Potential Streamer

  • Basic Expectation: remembered and liked by the audience

  • Further Need: better way interacting with followers 

  • Ultimate Goal: become influencer


  • Basic Expectation: Trace playback conveniently

  • Further Need: Find funny moments efficiently 

  • Ultimate Goal: Socialize and interact with streamers & other users

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  • An active and interactive streaming community.

  • Easy to record the stream at backstage and find playback videos.

  • Visualize popularity for each moment on the playback timeline to help users find highlight moments.

  • A fluent flow to capture, edit and post streaming story for both the streamers and viewers.


We brainstormed and sketched 50 ideas in the very beginning and voted to determine our direction.



Project Statement

Infinite is a streaming app and a live streaming community that provides opportunities for all users to share moments and get applause. There is no clear boundary between streamer, influencer and viewer in this community. As viewers, they are able to enjoy more wonderful moments of streamers, while as streamers, they are more likely to expand their influence and become famous. This product expands the influence of the streamer and strengthens the interaction between the audience and the streamer with the a likeable playback timeline and functions of sharing highlight moments.

Site Map




User Flow: View Streaming Stories

HighStories is a unique function where viewers can find highlight moments of the streamer in the past 24 hours. These stories can be posted by other users and streamers. Users are encouraged to like, make comments and share those stories. The rank of these stories shows the popularity.


User Flow: Post Streaming Stories

Users are encouraged to add a story from current live or the streamer playback videos. In playback videos, there is popularity data visualization on the timeline to help the user find highlight moments and cut them easily.


User Flow: Start And End Stream

Streamers are encouraged to record their live streaming and share the highlighted moments as video posts. In the ending streaming page there are some highlight moments recommendations that receiving the most cheer value.



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